2023 ACS NBCRT Strategic Plan Meeting
The inaugural ACS NBCRT Strategic Planning Meeting kicked off in Houston, Texas from September 6th to 8th, 2023 with the theme, “Joining Hands to Build Bridges and Save Lives.” This gathering united professionals from various industries, thought leaders, and lived experience experts from across the nation, all with the goal of “bridging” the way to a brighter future for the roundtable and its life-saving initiatives over the next five years.
Meeting Program, Slides, and Report

Strategic Plan Meeting Program
The ACS NBCRT Strategic Plan meeting was a hub of innovation and collaboration, sparking vital discussions and fresh perspectives. Together, we’re dedicated to advancing health outcomes for those affected by breast cancer.
Day 1 Meeting Slides
Day 1 included sessions on the ACS Roundtable Strategy, health equity in breast cancer work, and discussions on the ACS NBCRT Strategic Plan. Attendees also showcased innovative approaches and engaged in activities to foster member engagement and awareness of privilege’s role in their mission.

Day 2 Meeting Slides
Day 2 included the ACS NBCRT Business Meeting, priority group breakouts to discuss proposed actions for the next 1-2 years, and an update on patient navigation in the field of breast cancer care.
The Strategic Plan Meeting Report details the ACS NBCRT’s priority areas along with strategic approaches
and recommended activities that are required to achieve our desired goals.